Operations Specialist and Organizer Extraordinaire.

I organize, I manage, I do what's needed.


Welcome to my site. I keep it simple and organized--but effective. Which also happens to be what I spend my professional life doing. Neat, huh?

In my education, career, and life experience I have developed a far-ranging skill set to deal with the myriad challenges that companies large and small face every day. Point me at a problem and I will solve it: from the implementation of new technologies to setting up systems for bookkeeping, human resources, marketing, and project management. Whether taking charge of operations in an international office of a Fortune 500 company or starting a small business, I have a track record of excelling in diverse situations.





hard work


attention and focus


Why hire me?

Because I'll be your best resource, the employee who can do just about everything and do it well. I'm the person behind the founder, the boss, the visionary; it's your vision but I'm that indispensable employee who helps you make the vision happen. 



“Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those doing it.”

— attributed to George Bernard Shaw